1. That the EPPS be noted in particular the proposed plan and governance arrangements.
2. Delegated authority to the Executive Director - Place and Community, in consultation with the Lead Member for Transport and the Local Environment, to:
(a) approve the final version of the EPPS in a form to be submitted to the DfT,
(b) approve the formal commencement of the EP with the bus operators.
The Lead Member for Transport & the Local Environment introduced a report which set out the general principles and core elements of the Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme (“EPPS”), including a summary of the main elements within the plan and the related governance framework. The proposal was to submit the EPPS to the Department for Transport and to formally establish the Enhanced Partnership (EP) with the bus operators.
The Officer gave a presentation on the aims and objectives of the partnership to seek to improve bus services in Slough. He explained that the governance of the scheme would comprise of a two tier level of management, the first of which is the working group level where proposals are put together before being referred to the board of governance which is the key decision making and voting group. The voting was designed to be unanimous to remain consensus based and all proposals would be subject to feasibility assessments and funding. Slough had been awarded funding in the first bidding round for its Bus Service Improvement Plan, but the Enhanced Partnership would help strengthen bids in further rounds.
In response to a question on bus users it was explained that there was not currently a bus user group in Slough. The Cabinet agreed this was something that should be encouraged so that bus users had a strong voice and could contribute to the partnership. The Lead Member and Officers were asked to consider how this could be taken forward.
The recommendations were agreed.
Resolved –
Cabinet agreed:
1. That the EPPS be noted in particular the proposed plan and governance arrangements.
2. Delegated authority to the Executive Director - Place and Community, in consultation with the Lead Member for Transport and the Local Environment, to:
(a) approve the final version of the EPPS in a form to be submitted to the DfT,
(b) approve the formal commencement of the EP with the bus operators.
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