Venue: Committee Room 2, Town Hall, Bath Road, Slough
Contact: Shabana Kauser - 01753 875013 Bkg Ref: 61049
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest (Members are reminded of their duty to declare personal and personal prejudicial interests in matters coming before this meeting as set out in the Local Code of Conduct)
Minutes: |
Election of Chair Minutes: |
Election of Vice-Chair Minutes: |
Minutes of the last Meeting held on 6th October 2010 PDF 51 KB Minutes: |
Appointment of Standards (Assessment) Sub-Committee The Vice-Chair and one Independent Co-opted Member together with 3 elected Members drawn by lot from a pool comprising all Borough Council elected Members on the Committee. If the complaint relates to a Parish Councillor, a Parish Council Representative on the Committee, drawn by lot, will also sit on the Sub-Committee. .
Minutes: |
Appointment of Standards (Review) Sub-Committee The Chair and one Independent Co-opted Member together with 3 elected Borough Council Members not on the Standards (Assessment) Sub-Committee. If the complaint relates to a Parish Councillor, a Parish Council Representative on the Committee, drawn by lot, will also sit on the Sub-Committee.
Minutes: |
Appointment of Standards (Determination) Sub-Committee The Chair of the Committee plus 2 Independent Co-opted Members and 2 elected Members drawn from the membership of the Standards Committee. as and when required. If the complaint relates to a Parish Councillor, a Parish Council Representative on the Committee will also sit on the Sub-Committee.
Minutes: |
Appointment of Standards (Dispensation) Sub-Committee Two Independent Co-opted Members and 3 elected (Borough Council) Members.
Minutes: |