Committee details

Standards Committee

Purpose of committee

The purpose of this Committee is to promote and maintain the highest ethical standards.


The role and functions of the Committee are set out in Article 9A of the Council’s Constitution.


The core functions of the Committee are:


(a)  To promote and maintain high standards of conduct by Members (and this term includes co-opted Members).


(b)  To assist Members to observe the Council’s Ethical Framework including the Code of Conduct.


(c)  To advise the Council on the adoption or revision of the Council’s Ethical Framework including the Code of Conduct.


(d)  To monitor the operation of the Council’s Ethical Framework including the Code of Conduct.


(e)  To advise, train or arrange to train Members on matters relating to the Council’s Ethical Framework including the Code of Conduct.


(f)  To determine written complaints made against a Member (including a Parish Council Member) alleging a breach of the Code of Conduct and taking any action that is deemed appropriate and permitted under the Localism Act 2011 and Regulations thereunder.


(g)  To exercise any of (a) to (f) above in relation to Parish Councils wholly or mainly in its area and the Members of those Parish Councils.


(h)  To keep under review and make recommendations to Council on the Whistleblowing Policy and Procedure.


(i)  To decide any requests from a Member or Officer for indemnity as set out in the Council’s adopted policy.


(j)  To receive bi-annual reports from the Monitoring Officer on Member Conduct Complaints received since the date of the previous Ordinary Committee meeting.


(k)  To receive an annual statistical report from the Monitoring Officer on declarations of interest.


Contact information

Support officer: Nicholas Pontone. 07749 709 868

Postal address:
Observatory House
25 Windsor Road

Phone: 07749 709 868
