Issue details

Colnbrook ByPass/ Lakeside Road (Experimental Order)

Several complaints have been received via residents, businesses and councillors regarding high levels of obstructive parking occurring on the Colnbrook by-pass and Lakeside Road. It is being reported that airport companies are responsible for this and there are four companies in particular that have been mentioned, details of which have been forwarded onto the Planning department to investigate further.

Vehicles are currently parking on junctions, bends, grass verges and in the laybys on the Colnbrook by-pass and Lakeside Road. It has also been reported and observed that staff of these airport companies are also stopping their vehicles in the middle of the Colnbrook by-pass to rotate the vehicles in the laybys. This is a 50mph road and due to the high-speed limit, this dangerous activity is of high risk to all drivers and pedestrians.

Proposed scheme

To eradicate this type of parking, we are proposing to implement no waiting at any time restrictions to all locations with an exception to the laybys on the Colnbrook by-pass, where a limited waiting restriction is being proposed. The limited waiting restriction will apply Monday – Sunday 8am to 8pm, with a 1-hour limit and no return within 1 hour.

The aim of the above proposal is to stop airport companies from abusing the layby’s and by having a time limit in place, this will stop vehicles from being able to park at these locations for long periods of time. In addition to this, leaving the layby’s unrestricted in the evenings will allow HGVs to be able to park at these locations overnight if they wish.

Furthermore, introducing “No Waiting at any time” restrictions to the remaining locations on the Colnbrook by-pass and Lakeside Road will improve visibility and road safety for both pedestrians and road users. When designing this scheme several factors were taken into consideration including road safety, visibility, flow of traffic, street clutter, displacement parking and future maintenance of the scheme.

It is proposed to introduce this scheme under an experimental order so that representations can be received during the first six months of the scheme being operational and we can also monitor the impact to see if any further changes are required.

Ward Councillors have been notified of our proposals and are in full support.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Notice of proposed decision first published: 27/01/2023

Decision due: 10 Nov 2022 by Executive Director Place and Communities

Contact: Savio DeCruz, Associate Director, Place Operations Email: Tel: 01753 875640.
