Issue - decisions

Housing Revenue Account

17/02/2023 - Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2023/24 and 30-Year Housing Investment Plan

·  Approved the HRA revenue budget for 2023-24 (Table 1 & Appendix A)


·  Noted the HRA 5-year revenue budgets for 2023-24 to 2027-28 (Table 1 & Appendix A)


·  Noted the HRA 30-year revenue budgets for 2023-24 to 2052-53 (Appendix B)


·  Approved the HRA 5-year Capital Programme for a total £52.714m (Table 3 & Appendix C)


·  Noted the 30-year Capital Programme for 2023-24 to 2052-53 (Appendix D)


·  Noted the draft HRA reserves and balances for the 5-year Business Plan (Appendix E)