Issue - decisions

Substance Misuse Contract Award

25/11/2022 - Re-procurement of an Integrated Substance Misuse Recovery and Treatment services including Rough Sleepers Outreach Service

1.Agreed to the award of contract(s) with supplier A for the delivery of two services:


Service 1: The Integrated Adults and Young Peoples’ Substance Misuse Treatment Services which will be for a 9-year period (five-years plus two extension periods of two years, subject to satisfactory performance.) This service will operate from 1st April 2023 and will be funded through the Public Health Grant, the Supplementary Substance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Grant and the Rough Sleepers Initiative Grant. The total value of this service for the first five years is £ 6,394,360.  Thereafter, any extensions will be dependent upon the overall value of the Public Health grant thus renegotiations may be necessary.


Service 2: The Rough Sleepers’ Substance Misuse Outreach service for 2 years (1 year plus a 1 year extension, subject to continuation of grant funding and good performance). The new contract will commence 1st April 2023. This will be funded through the OHID Rough Sleepers Drug Treatment & Recovery grant (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities) at a total value of £619,034.



2. Delegated authority to the Executive Director for People (Adults) in consultation with the Lead Member for Public Health and Social Care to complete the final negotiations and enter into the contract(s) with Supplier A.


3.  Approved the grant of a lease and any supplemental document(s) of Elliman Resource Unit 27 Pursers Court Slough SL2 5DL to Supplier A for a minimum term of 5 years commencing 1 April 2023 at nil rent. This is an exceptional arrangement and should not be utilised in the future.


4.  Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Resources and Executive Director of Property and Housing to finalise terms and execute the lease and supplemental documentation of the above property to Supplier A.