Issue - decisions

Digital Signage Strategy

05/11/2021 - Digital Signage Project

(a)  That the advertising policy attached at Appendix 6 to the report be approved, subject to a review of the policy by scrutiny.


(b)  That the use of Slough Borough Council owned Land Assets and highway land listed in Appendix 1 be approved for advertising and public realm sponsorship to make best use of the Council’s assets in accordance with the policy at Appendix 6 and subject to following statutory processes and obtaining relevant statutory consents (e.g. planning approval).


(c)  That delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director for Place, following consultation with the Lead Members for finance and enforcement portfolios, to:


(i) Seek and select suitable third party providers for each of the advertising and public realm sponsorship opportunities identified in Appendix 3 in compliance with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and any applicable procurement regulations.


(ii) Grant permission under the Highways Act 1980 (“HA 1980”) to third party providers to erect advertising hoardings on highway land and to place advertising on existing structures on a case by case basis in accordance with the policy at Appendix 6 and subject to following the statutory processes and obtaining all relevant consents including compliance with any necessary planning conditions. 


(iii) Enter into appropriate lease or licence arrangements with third party providers for the provision of suitable advertising displays at specified locations identified in Appendix 3 to facilitate the policy intentions set out in Appendix 6.


(iv) Make necessary amendments to the contractual arrangements entered with providers.