Agenda item

DSG Management Plan/Safety Valve programme update


The latest update report on the progress made against the Safety Valve Agreement was sent to the DfE on 15th December 2023. The report evidences that SBC remains on track to meet the targets set out in the SVA and that are no significant changes since the last report in September 2023. All RAG ratings remain Green other than the risk of legal challenge, which is Amber. The 2023-24 Period 8 (November 2023) position for HN DSG had forecast a spend of £24.9m against a budget of £25.1m. However, the previous report did not include the backlog of 290 EHC plans with additional forecast spending of £2.6m. This has now been included so the final outturn position for 23-24 is largely unchanged at an underspend of £0.155m. The actual predicted DSG deficit position for the end of 2023/24 is a reduction to £11.0m once the Safety Valve contribution of £3.2m is received.


At the time of this Forum meeting, no feedback had been received.