SH advised that the LA had moved over to a centralised payment process for National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) for maintained schools. This will bring maintained schools in line with academies, where the rates will be paid directly to the council by the DfE. MW asked whether this change was reflected in the APT. SH confirmed that APT did show the rates as a separate line. EL asked whether is it the same for maintained nursery schools as it is for maintained primary and secondary schools. SH advised she would find out and revert to the group.
SH advised Forum that the LA had received an additional safety valve payment of £1.17million that was not expected. It was assumed that this was an early payment from the 2024-25 financial year rather than any increase in the total amount being granted.
SH reminded Forum members of the National Tutoring programme grant, which covers up to 50% of tutoring costs, and the funding available for Senior Mental Health Lead training. The deadline for application for the SMHL grant of £1,200, through which schools can access DfE Quality assured training in the spring or summer term, as been extended to 31st July.
JC thanked SH and asked whether there was any information on the DfE’s recommendation to the school teacher pay and review body. SH confirmed that she had not come across anything in any of the updates that she has received.