The minutes of the meeting held on 11.01.24 were agreed as a true record. There were a number of follow-up questions:
Item 993 - JC asked whether there was any update on the timescale for consultation on the plans for specialist resource provision, as LB had advised that he would provide a written answer outside the 11.01.24 meeting. NH agreed he would check with LB.
Item 993 – JC asked whether there was any update on the joint commissioning strategy going to Cabinet by the end of the financial year. NH confirmed that a decision was made that it did not need to go to Cabinet because it wasn't a new strategy, but simply a refresh of the existing strategy. Therefore, it is now a refreshed joint commissioning strategy, in effect the same strategies as before, with some new principles attached.
Item 995 - JC referred to the proposal for AP funding, and the request from Forum for LA officers to put some pressure on the Commissioners in relation to a mechanism for funding AP. NH confirmed that a conversation had taken place with Paul Moffatt, with a follow-up meeting to take place shortly, and that the issue had also been raised with the DfE advisor Liz Flaherty.
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