Agenda item

Children and Young People's (Placement) Sufficiency Strategy - update


Noted the update on the implementation of the Children & Young People’s Placement Sufficiency Strategy.


The Lead Member for Education and Children’s Services introduced a report the updated the Cabinet on the Children and Young People’s Placement Sufficiency Strategy that had been approved by Cabinet in November 2023.


The Council had a duty to ensure that its children in care had suitable accommodation within the local authority’s area that met the needs of children. It was noted that since July 2023 four children had stepped down from foster care, returning home following a ‘Placement with Parent’ assessment and support package in place.  Five fostering households had been approved during the financial year include two since approval of the strategy in November.  There had been a net increase in the overall number of fostering households from 45 to 47 and further applications were in progress.

The Executive Director, Children’s Services stated that the report reflected the good practice being undertaken and provided assurance that Slough Children First was achieving the savings as identified within the SCF Business and Improvement Plan. 


The update was noted.


Resolved –  That the update on the implementation of the Children & Young People’s Placement Sufficiency Strategy be noted.

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