Officer’s recommendation: Delegate the planning application to the Planning Manager for approval.
Application |
Redevelopment of the site to provide 53 no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3) comprising self-contained flats and houses along with associated car parking, access, landscaping, and other associated infrastructure |
Decision |
Delegated to the Planning Manager for:
A) Approval subject to:
(i) The satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure affordable housing, education contribution and highways works (vehicle access junctions, proposed loading bays and footway connections to the site, via a Section 278 agreement) which are required to mitigate the impact of the development. (ii) Finalising conditions and any other minor changes.
B) Refuse the application if the completion of the Section 106 Agreement was not finalised by 31 August 2024 unless a longer period was agreed by the Planning Manager, in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee.
Supporting documents: