Agenda item

Slough Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-29


Approved the Slough Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-29 set out at Appendix 1.


The Lead Member for Adult Social Care, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities introduced a report that sought approval of the Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-29.


The document set out the Council’s vision for adult social care services in Slough, including the expectations that residents, service users and providers could have about the service.  It focused on developing care and support options, not only for current and potential service users and those close to them, but to all residents in offering a proactive and partnership approach to prevention and early intervention.  The strategy was aligned to other key documents recently approved by Cabinet including the Older People Strategy, Carers Strategy, Learning Disability Strategy and Autism Strategy.


The Cabinet particularly welcomed the engagement with the Co-Production Network who had reaffirmed their agreement to the seven priorities within the strategy.  Lead Members asked how the strategy would be delivered and monitored and it was responded that a strategy board would be set up to oversee implementation.  One of the key aims of the approach would be to enable people to be more independent and the performance framework would need to help measure how that was being achieved.  Questions were asked about the financial implications.  The Executive Director for Adult Services stated that there were no direct financial implications arising from the adoption of the strategy and any proposals coming forward to deliver it would be subject to due diligence and financial appraisal.  Members also discussed links with the voluntary and community sectors and the process for reviewing and updating the strategy through to 2029.


After due consideration the strategy was approved.


Resolved –  That the Slough Adult Social Care Strategy 2024-29 set out at Appendix 1 to the report be approved.

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