(a) Noted the Council’s current performance and mitigating actions as measured by the key performance indicators within the corporate management information report and scorecard; and
(b) Agreed to refer the report to full Council on 25th April 2024.
The Leader of the Council introduced the Corporate Performance Report for the third quarter of 2023/24 which set out progress on the key performance indicators adopted by the Council.
It was noted that the overall picture was variable with 23% of the 43 key performance indicators performing at or better than target; 14% marginally worse than target; and 33% performing below the red KPI threshold. The remaining 30% of indicators were monitored for trends. Compared to the previous month or similar period from last year, performance had improved for 37% of indicators; remained the same for 14%; and declined for 49%. The Leader drew attention to the Commissioners comments that the report provided clarity on the areas that were underperforming which should help identify key areas for improvement.
The Cabinet welcome the positive progress reported against a number of indicators such as reduced waiting times in customer services, continued high performance in determining planning applications and an improvement in the Council Tax collection rate. Lead Members reaffirmed their commitment to openness and transparency on publishing such performance data, and to use the information to seek to drive forward improvements in their respective portfolios.
At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet agreed to note the report and refer it to full Council for consideration in line with the previous agreement to take the report to all members on a six-monthly basis.
Resolved –
(a) That the Council’s current performance and mitigating actions as measured by the key performance indicators within the corporate management information report and scorecard be noted; and
(b) That it be agreed to refer the report to full Council on 25th April 2024.
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