Agenda item

Early Years Block 2024/25


The Chair introduced the Early Years block paper which set out the conclusion of the Early Years National Funding Formula (EYNFF) modelling following the outcome of the consultation with the EY Task Group.  Forum was asked to endorse Slough’s Early Years Funding Formula for 2024-25 by noting the conclusions of the work to develop the 2024-25 EYNFF funding model and associated budget development, and the LA recommendation to implement option 2 as per the outcome of the Early Years Task Group.


BB commented that the LA had done a fantastic job here of producing a paper with a high level of clarity about the rationale behind the decision-making process. The Chair noted that it was encouraging to hear about the good work going on in the EY sector and the management of finances around early years.


Forum members noted the contents of the report and endorsed the decisions made.

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