The Chair welcomed Len Brazier as SEND Commissioner and current Head of SEND to give a verbal report on the present position with ARPs, the possible movement to specialist resource provision and designated units, and an update on the position of numbers for 2024-25.
LB noted that in September 2022 the total number of places in the resource bases across nursery, primary and secondary, was 292. In September 2023, that was reduced 252. The safety valve agreement requires the LA to ensure that it has the right support in place, which means looking at specialist resource provision, wider provision within mainstream schools, and then designated units as the most complex provisions. This provision is being discussed by the 0-25 SEND Sufficiency working group which includes a number of headteachers from both primary and secondary phases. LB expressed thanks to the headteachers for contributing to a discussion which he is aware has been ongoing for a long time.
LB gave an example of the level of discussion, noting that one way of moving forward and rationalising the provision across the authority to meet the needs coming through would be to focus on aligning provision with the four categories of need in the code. This would mean primary SRPs focused on cognition and learning, communication, interaction, SEMH and sensory, with furthers RPs matching this provision in secondary. DUs would offer more complex provision, but ensuring there is a follow-through from primary through to secondary.
LB commented on the place planning process, noting that there could be a shortfall of around 20 places in specialist provision in September 2024. There is work to do to meet the need within to avoid significant costs associated with out-of-borough provision.
NM asked for a clearer timeline on when the LA was expecting thinking to have a conclusion around resource basis. LB confirmed that nothing will change overnight and it wouldn’t be this academic year. NM asked if LB has spoken to all schools that have a resource base? LB confirmed that this wasn’t yet the case.
NM asked when schools would be consulted on the plans. LB confirmed that he didn’t know yet. NM advised that she wanted to be able to report back that there has been some movement made, but also wanted to highlight that although there are 22 pupils known to the LA that need to have a specialist provision, there will be others in primary schools that also need that specialist provision; these will be pupils where the school is still trying to get EHCP approval. LB confirmed he would be happy to provide a written answer on the timescale for consultation outside the meeting.
NH noted that a revised joint commissioning strategy needs to go to cabinet by the end of the financial year, which means being drafted by early February. This will set out the principles behind revised joint commissioning, looking at places for 2025, 2026 and 2027.