SH commented that she had looked through ESFA updates for updates, which were minimal. DSG allocations were announced in December for both the schools and early years blocks, with subsequent work on these blocks at LA level to discussed later in the agenda.
A High Needs place number change report was completed in November; this feeds into the high needs funding with a high need place notification outcome expected in mid or late January.
Pupil premium rates have been announced for 2024-25. These are paid quarterly either to the local authority for the maintained schools, or directly to academies, special schools and alternative provision. There are slight increases but no significant changes. Primary rate has increased from £1,455 to £1,480, secondary from £1,035 to £1,050, and previously looked after children from £2,530 to £2,570 across phases.
SH commended on the National Tutoring Programme, noting that nationally a significant proportion of NTP grant was clawed back as unused. The ESFA was looking to run webinars to support schools to make the most of their funding.