(a) Declared the site surplus to housing requirements.
(b) Agreed to the Council sale of Land at Uxbridge Road – Site of former Rochfords Youth Hostel as shown on Appendix 2 to the bidder named in Appendix 1.
(c) Delegated authority to the Executive Director of Property, Planning and Housing, in consultation with the Lead Member for Financial Oversight and Council Assets and the Executive Director of Finance and Commercial, to negotiate the terms of and enter into the contract and any associated documentation in connection with the disposal consistent with the disposal report and Heads of Terms appended at Confidential Appendix 1.
The Lead Member for Finance, Council Assets, Procurement and Revenues & Benefits introduced a report that sought approval for the disposal of land at Uxbridge Road, the site of the former Rochfords Youth Hostel, in accordance with the Council’s Asset Disposal Strategy. The site was a Housing Revenue Account (HRA) asset.
The Cabinet considered the Part II appendix that set out details of the disposal during Part I of the meeting without disclosing any of the exempt information.
The proposed sale had been subject to due diligence and reflected best consideration reasonably obtainable for the disposal. The site had been declared surplus by the Cabinet Committee in January 2023 and further approval was now required to proceed with the recommended offer for a freehold disposal to a developer purchaser. The former youth hostel had been demolished several years ago and the site was vacant. The sales process was summarised and the preferred bidder was seeking to purchase the site with a view to bringing forward a residential led scheme. The site was in a poor state and attracted fly tipping.
After due consideration, the Cabinet agreed the recommendations to dispose of the site.
Resolved –
(a) That the site be declared surplus to housing requirements.
(b) That the Council sale of Land at Uxbridge Road – Site of former Rochfords Youth Hostel as shown on Appendix 2 to the bidder named in Appendix 1 be agreed.
(c) That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Property, Planning and Housing, in consultation with the Lead Member for Financial Oversight and Council Assets and the Executive Director of Finance and Commercial, to negotiate the terms of and enter into the contract and any associated documentation in connection with the disposal consistent with the disposal report and Heads of Terms appended at Confidential Appendix 1.
Supporting documents: