It was moved by Councillor Smith,
Seconded by Councillor Chahal,
a) “That, subject to obtaining satisfactory references, the following individuals be appointed as non-voting co-opted members to the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee with effect from 1st December 2023 until the annual meeting of the Council in May 2027.
i) Tony Haines
ii) Rupa Sidpara
iii) Jen Simpson
b) That delegated authority be given to the Monitoring Officer to consider the references and decide whether to make an unconditional offer to appoint each individual named at recommendation (a).
c) That the following changes to Committees/Panels made under Procedure Rule 1.2 (vi) of Part 4.1 of the Constitution be noted:
iv) Planning Committee – Councillor Stedmond has been appointed to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Councillor Manku from the Committee and was subsequently elected as vice chair of the Committee.
v) Trustee Committee – Councillor W Sabah has been appointed to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Councillor J Sabah from the Committee.
vi) That Mr Andrew Ramsey was appointed as a member representing Teachers (Representing Primary, Secondary & Special Schools) in Committee 3 on SACRE.
d) That Councillor Anderson continue as Chair of the Member Panel on the Constitution for the remainder of the municipal year.
e) That Councillor Shaik be appointed as Chair of the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee effective from 1st December 2023.
f) That Councillor Khawar be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee effective from 1st December 2023.
g) That Councillor Akram be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee effective from 1st December 2023
h) That the following changes made to Cabinet portfolios and membership, taken by the Leader and effective from 1st December 2023, are noted:
· Councillor Bedi - Lead Member for Education and Children’s Services
· Councillor Kelly - Lead Member for Highways, Housing and Transport
· Councillor Manku - Lead Member for Environment, Environmental Services and Open Spaces.”
The recommendations were put to the vote and agreed with 37 votes for and 1 abstention.
Resolved –
a) That, subject to obtaining satisfactory references, the following individuals be appointed as non-voting co-opted members to the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee with effect from 1st December 2023 until the annual meeting of the Council in May 2027.
i) Tony Haines
ii) Rupa Sidpara
iii) Jen Simpson
b) That delegated authority be given to the Monitoring Officer to consider the references and decide whether to make an unconditional offer to appoint each individual named at recommendation (a).
c) That the following changes to Committees/Panels made under Procedure Rule 1.2 (vi) of Part 4.1 of the Constitution be noted:
iv) Planning Committee – Councillor Stedmond has been appointed to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Councillor Manku from the Committee and was subsequently elected as vice chair of the Committee.
v) Trustee Committee – Councillor W Sabah has been appointed to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Councillor J Sabah from the Committee.
vi) That Mr Andrew Ramsey was appointed as a member representing Teachers (Representing Primary, Secondary & Special Schools) in Committee 3 on SACRE.
d) That Councillor Anderson continue as Chair of the Member Panel on the Constitution for the remainder of the municipal year.
e) That Councillor Shaik be appointed as Chair of the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee effective from 1st December 2023.
f) That Councillor Khawar be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee effective from 1st December 2023.
g) That Councillor Akram be appointed as Vice-Chair of the Audit and Corporate Governance Committee effective from 1st December 2023
h) That the following changes made to Cabinet portfolios and membership, taken by the Leader and effective from 1st December 2023, are noted:
· Councillor Bedi - Lead Member for Education and Children’s Services
· Councillor Kelly - Lead Member for Highways, Housing and Transport
· Councillor Manku - Lead Member for Environment, Environmental Services and Open Spaces.
Supporting documents: