Agenda item

Recommendations of the Cabinet from its meeting held on 16th October 2023

A - Quarterly Improvement and Recovery Progress Report

B - Corporate Performance Report



Quarterly Improvement and Recovery progress report


The Mayor proposed that normal procedure rules be varied to allow the Lead Commissioner, Gavin Jones to address the meeting, following which questions would be taken from Members. The meeting signified its consent to vary procedure rules.


Members received a report which provided an update on progress being made by the council against the Secretary of State Directions issued in December 2021, and the overall council recovery plan. The Mayor invited the Lead Commissioner, Gavin Jones, to address the meeting.

Mr Jones stated that council had made progress in a number of key areas and demonstrated a commitment to improvement. However, the scale of problems facing the council was significant and more demonstrable and sustained improvement was required and that there needed to be a quickening of pace in delivery of change.

The financial position of the council remained fragile, in a challenging financial environment, and the key challenge for the council was how it balanced operational recovery whilst addressing the ministerial directions against financial sustainability. Although the senior leadership team had provided some stability, successful recruitment to the new structure, to introduce new capability and increase capacity, was vital to the continued rebuilding of the organisation. The gap in capability was limiting the speed in which the council had made progress.

It was stated that the council had managed an all-out election very effectively resulting in a change in administration, with new and inexperienced members on board. Although member training had been provided, it was strongly encouraged that there was continuous development and learning opportunities for all members to enable them to carry out their roles effectively. Recent improvement in audit actions being completed and routinely actioned upon was noted.

A key part of financial recovery was a successful asset disposal programme to generate capital receipts and this continued to be on track. However, phase 2 of the disposals was likely to pose a greater challenge, as it transitioned to the operational estate and in view of the current market and economic conditions meant that this would be challenging.

It was highlighted that the although financial recovery and sustainability was critical, the challenge for the council was that it did so in a manner that ensured it continued to provide services to meet the needs of its most vulnerable residents of the borough. 

In the ensuing question and answer session, Members asked a range of questions and replies were given by the Commissioner. Questions from Members included the risks posed by un-closed accounts and outstanding audit actions from previous years; progress on the culture change programme within the council; the costs of the senior management restructure; the medium term financial outlook; and governance issues specifically regarding the council companies and the audit and corporate governance committee.

The Leader of the Council thanked the Commissioner for his attendance and providing an update to the meeting. It was noted that there would be six monthly updates to council meetings on the progress of the council’s journey to recovery and improvement. 

It was moved by Councillor Smith,

Seconded by Councillor Chahal,


a)  “That the progress made by the Council since the previous report in addressing the Directions of the Secretary of State be noted;

b)  Agree to the next steps to deliver improvement as set out in the action plans and other workstreams that have been developed to address the Directions;

c)  Note the resolution of Cabinet to refer recovery items to full council every six months so every member has oversight and involvement in Slough’s recovery.”

The recommendations were put to the vote and agreed with 37 votes for and 1 abstention.


Resolved –


a)  That the progress made by the Council since the previous report in addressing the Directions of the Secretary of State be noted;

b)  Agree to the next steps to deliver improvement as set out in the action plans and other workstreams that have been developed to address the Directions;

c)  Note the resolution of Cabinet to refer recovery items to full council every six months so every member has oversight and involvement in Slough’s recovery.

Corporate Performance Report


It was moved by Councillor Smith,

Seconded by Councillor Chahal,


(a)  “That the Council’s current performance and mitigating actions as measured by the key performance indicators within the corporate management information report and scorecard be noted.


(b)  Note that the Cabinet resolved that the Corporate Performance Report be referred to full Council on a six-monthly basis and to scrutiny on a quarterly basis.


The recommendations were put to the vote and agreed with 37 votes for and 1 abstention.



Resolved  -


(a)  That the Council’s current performance and mitigating actions as measured by the key performance indicators within the corporate management information report and scorecard be noted.


(b)  Note that the Cabinet resolved that the Corporate Performance Report be referred to full Council on a six-monthly basis and to scrutiny on a quarterly basis.


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