Agenda item

Options Appraisal re Procurement of the repairs maintenance and investment (RMI) Contract


·  That a short extension period of 4 months from December 2024 to 31 March 2025 to the current provider be approved.


·  That a soft market testing exercise to inform the procurement methodology for the future procurement of services be approved.


·  That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Lead Member for Highways,  Housing and Transport, to determine the procurement route to secure best value and commence procurement, noting that a future report will be brought back to Cabinet in November 2024 to award any contracts.


The Cabinet considered a report that set out the various options and approaches to the re-procurement of the Repairs, Maintenance and Investment (RMI) contract for housing.  The Council needed to procure a new RMI service to ensure improvements to the overall service offer, delivering a more responsive and customer orientated service.


Various procurement and contract options were available and a specialist consultancy had been brought in to carry out the detailed options appraisal which meant the Council had received a professional and independent view on the process and market considerations.  The Executive Director Regeneration, Housing and Environment outlined main options which included a three-year extension with the existing contractor; procurement of a single integrated contract or a variant which separately procured for specialist works; or a more traditional multi-contract approach with selective internalisation of customer services.  The latter option was recommended, subject to a soft market testing exercise, as it would provide a more balanced approach, spread risk and provided greater flexibility.


The current RMI contract would expire in 2024 and a four-month extension to 31st March 2025 with the existing provider was recommended to align the contract period to the Council’s financial year and avoid a handover to a new provider over a Christmas period.  This would ensure a smoother transition to the new arrangements and was agreed by Cabinet.


The Cabinet welcomed the proposed approach and agreed the recommendations with a further report to Cabinet scheduled for November 2024.


Resolved –


(a)  That a short extension period of 4 months from December 2024 to 31 March 2025 to the current provider be approved.


(b)  That a soft market testing exercise to inform the procurement methodology for the future procurement of services be approved.


(c)  That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director of Regeneration, Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Lead Member for Highways,  Housing and Transport, to determine the procurement route to secure best value and commence procurement, noting that a future report will be brought back to Cabinet in November 2024 to award any contracts.

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