Agenda item

Procurement of Replacement Fleet Vehicles


(a)  Approved the procurement of a replacement fleet of vehicles for use within the Environment directorate in the following order of priority:


(i) outright purchase of second-hand vehicles capable of suitable adaptation and deemed available for a minimum of five years;

(ii) outright purchase of new vehicles deemed available for a minimum of five years;

(iii) procurement by lease for a maximum period of five years


(b)  Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Regeneration, Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Lead Member for Environment, Environmental Services and Open Spaces, Lead Member for Finance, Council Assets, Procurement and Revenues & Benefits and the Executive Director Finance & Commercial, the procurement and award of contract for acquisition of fleet vehicles in line with recommendation a) and for procurement and award of contract for associated maintenance, ensuring value for money is secured when selected the most appropriate method;


(c)  Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Regeneration, Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance, Council Assets, Procurement and Revenues & Benefits, Lead Member for Environment, Environmental Services and Open Spaces and the Executive Director, Finance & Commercial, the procurement and award of contract for the Fleet Management Routing software system.


(d)  Approved that the capital programme be amended to include acquisition of the DSO fleet with funding being from DfT grant and where possible specific programme grants to where possible preserve the more adaptable DfT grant funding for other critical purposes. The programme to be profiled across 2023/24 and 2024/25 as appropriate to available second hand vehicles balancing the need to come within revenue budget.





The Lead Member for Environment, Environmental Services and Open Spaces introduced a report that set out the preferred medium term options for the sourcing of essential vehicles for the Direct Services Organisation (DSO) to undertake grounds and highway maintenance, and street cleansing services.  The Council had a statutory duty to provide such services.


The Council currently leased all its vehicles for these purposes and a Leader’s Urgent Action decision was taken on 30th October 2023 to approve a 12-month lease agreement and provide time for officers to seek medium term options to deliver savings and reduce revenue pressures.  The proposed approach was to review all its fleet to determine the number of vehicles required and then proceed with the incumbent or other provides to seek to purchase second-hand vehicles to reduce the revenue leasing costs.


After due consideration, the Cabinet agreed the recommendations.  


Resolved –


(a)  Approved the procurement of a replacement fleet of vehicles for use within the Environment directorate in the following order of priority:


(i) outright purchase of second-hand vehicles capable of suitable adaptation and deemed available for a minimum of five years;

(ii) outright purchase of new vehicles deemed available for a minimum of five years;

(iii) procurement by lease for a maximum period of five years


(b)  Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Regeneration, Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Lead Member for Environment, Environmental Services and Open Spaces, Lead Member for Finance, Council Assets, Procurement and Revenues & Benefits and the Executive Director Finance & Commercial, the procurement and award of contract for acquisition of fleet vehicles in line with recommendation a) and for procurement and award of contract for associated maintenance, ensuring value for money is secured when selected the most appropriate method;


(c)  Delegated authority to the Executive Director for Regeneration, Housing and Environment, in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance, Council Assets, Procurement and Revenues & Benefits, Lead Member for Environment, Environmental Services and Open Spaces and the Executive Director, Finance & Commercial, the procurement and award of contract for the Fleet Management Routing software system.


(d)  Approved that the capital programme be amended to include acquisition of the DSO fleet with funding being from DfT grant and where possible specific programme grants to where possible preserve the more adaptable DfT grant funding for other critical purposes. The programme to be profiled across 2023/24 and 2024/25 as appropriate to available second hand vehicles balancing the need to come within revenue budget.

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