Agenda item

Growth Fund 2023-24 update


TM explained that this was a short paper to set the scene for this year, and reminded Forum members that following previous feedback, changes to the way growth fund allocations were presented had been implemented to align with the school year.


The 2023-24 top slice had been agreed in January 2023 with a large contingency built in to allow for any further growth. TM noted the pressure within the primary phase, with 2 bulge classes opened this year already, in Y4 and Y6. The west of Slough has seen a large drop in births, with surplus places in all year groups there even after having closed 4 forms of entry. However, the central and east areas are very different, with little or negative capacity in many year groups.


In terms of secondary school places, this is the peak year for year 7, and the previous expansion programme means there is no pressure on year 7 with enough school places for the current demand. This is the last year of support for the expansion at Westgate, with support from September 2023 to March 2024. Their funding for April 2024 to August 2024 would be through their normal funding so doesn't require support from the Growth fund.


Taking into account bulge classes currently open, and increases in class sizes to 32 in some schools, the current level of contingency is around £180k, which would be enough for at least two further bulge classes if needed


The Chair thanked TM for the presentation asked what top slice might be sought for 2024-25?  TM confirmed that as there won’t be any permanent expansions to support, the only funding need would be for the second year of bulge classes and for contingency.  The likely top slice could be of the order of this year's £600,000.


MW asked about the trend of the in-year applications, whether this is levelling in general or whether there could be implications for the growth fund going forward. TM noted that it was difficult to forecast and that more analysis of a complex range of factors would be needed. NH noted that the concerns about in-year applications had been flagged for 2-3 years without action by the LA. A place planning working group had been convened to support the development of a more strategic approach.


The Chair thanked NH and commented that we all welcome the level of strategic thinking that is developing here.

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