Agenda item

Estate Strategy - Phase 1


(a)  That the proposed conceptual model (Phase I) for the Operational and Community Estate be approved to enable the development of Phase II of the strategy.  The model is described in detail in the appendix to the report and outlined in the main body of this report below.


(b)  That SBC’s continued occupation of Observatory House as its ‘Central’  building be approved.  Back office services will be centralised in Observatory House and a customer access point will also be created.  The basis of this occupation will be set out in a separate Cabinet report that will contain an Outline Business Case.  This will be presented to Cabinet in March 2024.


The Cabinet considered a report that sought approval for the proposed conceptual model of a Phase I Estate Strategy and to agree to SBCs continued occupation of Observatory House.  An initial report had been provided to Cabinet in September and the Lead Member and Executive Director summarised the rationale for and key aspects of Phase I of the strategy.


The Estate Strategy Phase I was a high-level conceptual framework about how the Council would better manage its portfolio of assets in the future.  It was aligned to the asset disposal strategy.  No decisions were sought in Phase I about individual buildings with the exception of Observatory House and the Council’s continued occupation as its ‘central’ building was recommended.  The proposal was for it to become a central Public Services Centre with back office services to be centralised in Observatory House and a customer access point be created.  A full report and outline business case would be presented to Cabinet in March 2024.


The Cabinet discussed the report in detail and particularly considered the options for working with community organisations and stakeholders.  Options for several specific buildings were raised, including The Curve, and it was reiterated that decisions on individual buildings would be for future phases of the strategy.


An elector question had been submitted by Mr W Strutton on the adequacy of the property insurance for assets covered by the Estate Strategy given the statement made by a Lead Member at a recent full Council meeting that the bus station had been ‘under-insured’.  The Lead Member responsible for Council assets responded to the question and a supplementary question.  Assurance was provided that work had been undertaken to correct any instances of under-insurance and the Estate Strategy would help the Council strengthen the management of its assets in future by improving the data available on which take such operational decisions such as insurance coverage.


At the conclusion of the discussion the recommendations were agreed.


Resolved –


(a)  That the proposed conceptual model (Phase I) for the Operational and Community Estate be approved to enable the development of Phase II of the strategy.  The model was described in detail in the report.


(b)  That SBC’s continued occupation of Observatory House as its ‘Central’  building be approved.  Back office services would be centralised in Observatory House and a customer access point would also be created.  The basis of this occupation would be set out in a separate Cabinet report that would contain an Outline Business Case.  This would be presented to Cabinet in March 2024.


(During consideration of the report the Cabinet agreed to extend the meeting beyond the guillotine of 9.00pm to complete the business for the meeting).

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