The Head of Governance & Scrutiny introduced a report on the 2023 Member Induction Programme; sought endorsement of the principles for the ongoing Member development programme; and support for an informal Member Development Working Group.
Plans for the Member induction programme for councillors after the May 2023 whole Council elections had been put in place early in the year. There had been a significant change in the composition of the Council as more than half of the Members elected in May 2023 were new. The induction programme was therefore adjusted to reflect the cohort of Members elected. The induction programme had been delivered and the appendix to the report summarised the sessions held, which had been well attended. In terms of the future delivery of the Member development programme the Committee was asked to endorse the principles set out in section 3 of the report. The first stage of the programme during the induction period focused on mandatory courses to meet required legal and constitutional requirements, for example code of conduct, planning and licensing training. It was proposed that the balance shift towards more subject matter knowledge delivered at the appropriate time in advance of decisions on such topics.
Members gave their feedback on the induction programme since May and the majority of comments were that it had been very informative and comprehensive. The short and concise sessions which allowed time for questions and answers were considered to be the most effective format. The Committee discussed various aspects of the programme, including the relative benefits of in-person and online training; and the potential ways that participation in Member development sessions could be incentivised. This was something that could be considered. The Committee agreed in principle that Member Development Working Group be established and proposed that Group Leaders be asked to nominate members to join the group when it was ready to commence its work.
The Monitoring Officer highlighted that he had written to the clerks of the three parishes offering assistance in relation to any matters under each Parish Council’s Code of Conduct and that Britwell Parish Council had recently responded positively to the offer and he hoped the other parishes would do so soon. Parish Council representatives agreed to raise this offer with their clerks and commented on some of the training provided to their members to date. The Monitoring Officer highlighted that it was important that the parish clerks kept records of training and had an appropriate programme in place.
Resolved –
(a) That the feedback on the induction programme for new councillors in 2023 be noted;
(b) That the principles for Member development set out in section 3 of the report be endorsed for the ongoing Member development programme; and
(c) That the committee endorses the creation of a small, informal ‘Member Development Working Group’ of councillors and officers to advise the Monitoring Officer on member development issues.
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