NB referred to the proposed timetable for the setting of the 2024-25 DSG budget. The LA would be consulting with all mainstream schools and academies on the funding formula for 2024-25 and on the transfer of 0.5% out of the schools block in to the high needs block. Historically, we have transferred £100k from the high needs block into the central school services block. This is not needed any longer from 2024-25; part of the work undertaken for the Safety Valve identified £258k of spend that was being charged to the DSG that should have been charged to Slough’s General Fund and has been amended for this year. SBC asked to remove the funding out of the DSG, which in effect is making a saving of £250k.
Within the DSG safety valve plans, the 0.5% transfer from schools’ block to the high needs block has been included on the advice of the DfE. Consultation with schools on block transfers has to be done each year; the consultation will take place for 4 weeks, and will be reported back to Schools Forum on the 9th November. Schools Forum need to consider responses when making the final decision.
The authority pro forma tool (APT) is expected to be out in mid-December. The provisional DSG is announced normally about a week earlier. That is when the modelling would take place, and consultation with the 5-16 working group. Schools Forum is on 11th January, where the outcomes from that will be presented to Schools Forum. Political ratification is required by the 15th January, with the deadline to get the APT to the DfE is the 22nd January. Published budgets for mainstream schools will also include indicative budgets for 2025-26 and 2026-27. The Schools Forum meeting on 9th March will include approval of the Central School Services Block.
NB advised the consultation would ask whether schools approved the 0.5% transfer, and how any headroom within the schools block should be allocated.
The Chair asked where NB saw work of the 5 to 16 task group fitting in and how this would address the issue raised in last meeting, where it was agreed to look at the impact of the NFF rates on the primary/secondary funding ratio. After some discussion it was confirmed that this was about ensuring a thorough shared understanding amongst all the relevant parties across both phases of how that ratio is arrived at. JC proposed to liaise with NB outside the meeting to confirm when the 5-16 Task Group should meet.
MW asked clarification that Slough is now at NFF rates for everything and is therefore aligned with the NFF. NB confirmed this was the case with the exception of the Mobility Factor.
VH asked who is on the 5 to 16 Task Group. The Chair noted that the members were himself, JR, PC, MW, NM, and that there was effectively a vacancy for another primary colleague. VH confirmed that she would be happy to be involved, and this was endorsed by Forum members present.
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