NH confirmed that the first Safety Valve report had been presented to the DfE, and was now being brought to Schools Forum for in formation and comment. NB noted that the plan was showing about £2.8 million underspend for the key year which is in 2 years’ time, however, this is largely wiped out by the project costs of outstanding EHC plans, estimated to be about £2.6m. A balance of £200k left with 2 years to go is not a strong position, so will have to be watched closely.
NH noted that some young people placed into resource provision are probably going to need a special school in the future, and the LA is doing some work on that moving forward. Additionally, the LA is doing some internal work to look at the average funding to a maintained school and to a resource provision to make sure that that schools are not underfunded if they are taking pupils that are more complex.
NH further advised that the LA is looking to make further savings within staffing and home school transport, looking at a number of cases where transport arrangements might have to be changed. Unlike most local authorities, the majority of Slough special school children go to one special school and they work with us very well in terms of transport.
MW asked about the reference to a new banding matrix funding ready for implementation in March. Asking for clarification as to which area of the funding that applies to and what the process is in readiness for implementation. NH confirmed that it was already built in within the safety valve agreement as one of the things the LA was required to do and confirmed it will be across the board. MW asked if there is a planned consultation for this? NH confirmed that the LA would get a timetable out shortly.
The Chair thanked NH and added that Forum will continue to have regular reports on the on the safety valve program and the usual monitoring of the DSG through the rest of this year as a standing item on every agenda.
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