(a) Approved the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2024/27 (Appendix 2) to ensure we can signal clear intentions and opportunities to the market.
(b) Noted the feedback from local providers following consultation on the contents of the draft Market Position Statement (Appendix 3)
(c) Delegated authority to the Executive Director People Adults, in consultation with the Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health, to make updates to the Market Position Statement.
The Lead Member for Adult Social Care, Mental Health & Learning Disabilities introduced a report that requested approval of the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2024/27.
The statement sought to reflect the current picture of demand for care and support alongside the design, supply and utilisation of provision across the market to meet the changing needs of local people, and within the current financial challenges being experienced across social care. It provided strategic information to providers to inform their business plans within the context of meeting the Council’s strategic priorities and to deliver service innovation and value for money. The Cabinet was informed that it was best practice for the authority to have a Market Position Statement and it would help the Council work with the market to deliver services more efficiently and achieve the best outcomes for people in Slough.
Lead Members asked about procurement process and it was responded that the Council wide procurement forward plan to be considered elsewhere on the agenda included details of the key adult social care contracts that were anticipated to commence tendering during the next year. The gross expenditure budget for commissioned services had increased to £43m in 2024/25 following the rebasing exercise undertaken as part of the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
At the conclusion of the discussion the recommendations were agreed.
Resolved –
(a) That the Adult Social Care Market Position Statement 2024/27 (Appendix 2) be approved to ensure the Council can signal clear intentions and opportunities to the market.
(b) That the feedback from local providers following consultation on the contents of the draft Market Position Statement (Appendix 3) be noted.
(c) That delegated authority be given to the Executive Director People Adults, in consultation with the Lead Member for Social Care and Public Health, to make updates to the Market Position Statement.
Supporting documents: