(a) That the progress made by the Council since the previous report in addressing the Directions of the Secretary of State be noted;
(b) That the next steps to deliver improvement as set out in the action plans and other workstreams that had been developed to address the Directions be agreed;
(c) That the report be referred to full Council for discussion and debate;
(d) That it be agreed that Cabinet refer recovery items to full Council every six months so every member had oversight and involvement in Slough’s recovery;
(e) Recommend to council that it invite the lead commissioner and commissioner team to a question and answer session at full council.
The Leader of the Council introduced the latest quarterly update report on the progress being made by the Council against the Secretary of State Directions issued in 2021 and the overall council recovery plan.
The Leader welcomed the report and highlighted the progress made by the new administration since May 2023. The Commissioners 3rd report and Ministerial response had been published on 14th September 2023 and it was noted.
A number of areas of positive progress had been reflected in the report although it was recognised the Council needed to sustain, and in some instances accelerate, the pace of delivery. The Cabinet was committed to continuing to work with the Corporate Leadership Team to deliver the new corporate plan, improve services and respond to the Directions. The regular reporting of progress on the recovery plans, and against performance in the report elsewhere on the agenda, was a clear sign of the approach to openness and transparency from the Cabinet.
The Executive Director, Strategy & Improvement highlighted that the report included a high level ‘Directions Progress Summary’ which RAG rated the status of the Council’s response for each Direction to enable Members to monitor progress and provide the necessary challenge and scrutiny.
The Leader stated that the Corporate Improvement Scrutiny Committee had considered the Improvement and Recovery Progress report at its meeting held on 26th September 2023 at which he and Deputy Leader had attended to answer Members questions and be held to account on progress. The committee had made a number of comments as set out in paragraph 3.13 of the report, which included the importance of ensuring action and improvement plans detailed clear outcomes, and these were noted by the Cabinet.
In addition to quarterly reporting to scrutiny, it was proposed that the report be considered by full Council every six months and that the Lead Commissioner and commissioner team be invited to a question and answer session at full Council. This was agreed.
After discussion, the Cabinet welcomed the encouraging progress set out in the report and in the Commissioners 3rd report. The recommendations were agreed.
Resolved –
(a) That the progress made by the Council since the previous report in addressing the Directions of the Secretary of State be noted;
(b) That the next steps to deliver improvement as set out in the action plans and other workstreams that had been developed to address the Directions be agreed;
(c) That the report be referred to full Council for discussion and debate;
(d) That it be agreed that Cabinet refer recovery items to full Council every six months so every member had oversight and involvement in Slough’s recovery;
(e) Recommend to Council that it invite the lead commissioner and commissioner team to a question and answer session at full Council.
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