Agenda item

P/09811/002 - Jupiter House, Horton Road, Poyle, Slough, SL3 0BB

Officer’s Recommendation: Delegate to the Planning Manager for approval.




Demolition of the existing buildings (Valerie House and Jupiter House) and the development of a commercial building with flexible general industrial and storage and distribution employment floor space, with associated service yards, car parking and landscaping.



Delegate to the Planning Manager:


A)  For approval subject to:


1)  receiving the consultation from the Environment Agency and addressing any issues raised that would not result in any substantive changes to the proposal;


2)  the satisfactory competition of a Section 106 agreement to secure the following:

a)  To enter into a highways agreement for the highway works

b)  Dedication of private land as public highway if required by the Local Highway Authority

c)  To secure and monitor the Travel Plan


3) agreement of the pre-commencement conditions with the applicant/agent;


4) finalising conditions; and any other minor changes.


B) To return the application to the Planning Committee in the event that addressing any issues raised by the Environment Agency would result in any substantive changes to the proposal.


C) Refuse the application if the above have not been finalised by 19 March 2024 unless a longer period is agreed by the Planning Manager, or Chair of the Planning Committee.



Supporting documents: