1. That the Slough Adult Learning Disability Strategy 2023-28 set out at Appendix 2 be approved
2. That it be noted that a report would be brought back to Cabinet annually setting out the progress against the Action Plan and recommending any amendments to the Strategy.
The Lead Member for Adult Social Care, Mental Health & Learning Disabilities introduced a report that sought approval of the Slough Learning Disability Strategy 2023-2028.
The strategy set out how the Council, working with its partners, would seek to reduce health inequalities for adults with learning disabilities so that more people could live a good quality of life as independently as possible within the local community. It highlighted the ambitions to further join up services, with health and social care professionals working together in an integrated way to identify solutions that improved lives.
The strategy was supported by an action plan and delivery would be overseen by a Steering Group that included people with learning disabilities, family members and the Co-production Network as well as Council officers and partners. The Cabinet particularly welcomed the fact the strategy had been developed with the direct involvement of service users and agreed their continued involvement was important. The Executive Director, Adult Services commented that this was one of a number of strategies coming forward that all sought to put people at the centre of the service. This approach was endorsed by Lead Members who commented that resident and service user engagement was a key priority for the administration.
The Cabinet noted the Commissioners comments, specifically that future reports should include information on both the outcomes achieved and effective use of public money. It was proposed and agreed that a progress report be brought back to Cabinet annually.
After due consideration, the Cabinet agreed the recommendation to approve the strategy and thanked all those involved in its development.
Resolved –
(a) That the Slough Adult Learning Disability Strategy 2023-28 set out at Appendix 2 be approved.
(b) That it be noted that a report would be brought back to Cabinet annually setting out the progress against the Action Plan and recommending any amendments to the Strategy.
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