· That the SCF’s Business and Improvement Plan for 2023 to 2026 at Appendix A be approved.
· That the requests for funding of deficits from 2021/22 and 2022/23 at a total of £5.312m from the budget equalisation reserve be approved.
· That the increase in the contract sum for 2023/24 of £4.447m, taking the total contract sum to £40.514m using in-year contingency budgets be approved.
· That the plan for future cabinet reports be noted as follows:
o December 2023 – approve the 2024-2027 Business and Improvement Plan with details of the requested contract sum for 2024/25 and the updated contractual key performance indicators and formally note the SCF Annual Report for 2022/23.
o February 2024 – contract sum to be formally approved as part of the Council’s budget setting process.
o June / July 2024 – note the Annual Report for 2023/24 and an update on progress against the approved Business and Improvement Plan.
The Lead Member for children’s services introduced a report that sought approval of the Slough Children First (SCF) Business and Improvement Plan for 2023 to 2026. Approval was also sought for retrospective in-year change requests for the previous two financial years to fund historic deficits.
The Cabinet recognised the importance of the company having a high quality, long-term Business and Improvement Plan that set out its strategic priorities and financial strategy. The plan set out at Appendix A to the report brought together the improvement plan and financial plan for the company into a single document to seek to ensure alignment between delivering the services that children in Slough required with the available resources. The challenges facing children’s services in Slough and nationally were summarised. The Executive Director, People (Children) / SCF Chief Executive outlined the key elements of the plan and the progress that had been made on delivering the necessary improvements to children’s services. Lead Members also considered the recommendations in relation to funding the historic deficits of the company and noted the financial risks to the Council, which were mitigated in part by a high quality business plan.
The recommendations were approved and the Cabinet noted the schedule of future reports on various aspects of the governance of SCF to ensure performance was monitored and timely decisions taken in respect of future contract sums and business and improvement plans.
Resolved –
(a) That the SCF’s Business and Improvement Plan for 2023 to 2026 at Appendix A to the report be approved.
(b) That the requests for funding of deficits from 2021/22 and 2022/23 at a total of £5.312m from the budget equalisation reserve be approved.
(c) That the increase in the contract sum for 2023/24 of £4.447m, taking the total contract sum to £40.514m using in-year contingency budgets be approved.
(d) That the plan for future cabinet reports be noted as follows:
o December 2023 – approve the 2024-2027 Business and Improvement Plan with details of the requested contract sum for 2024/25 and the updated contractual key performance indicators and formally note the SCF Annual Report for 2022/23.
o February 2024 – contract sum to be formally approved as part of the Council’s budget setting process.
o June / July 2024 – note the Annual Report for 2023/24 and an update on progress against the approved Business and Improvement Plan.
Supporting documents: