It was moved by Councillor Smith,
Seconded by Councillor Chahal,
(a) “That Committees and other bodies be appointed, that their sizes be adjusted as necessary to facilitate proportionality, and seats thereon allocated to political groups in accordance with the rules of proportionality where applicable, all as per Appendix 1.
(b) That appointments be made to Committees and other bodies in accordance with the nominations received from political groups as set out in Appendix 2.
(c) That the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the above bodies be appointed as set out in Appendix 2.
(d) That the report of the Leader on appointment of the Deputy Leader and Lead Members (the Cabinet) and their portfolios be received as set out in Appendix 2.
(e) That Political Group Officer support to Political Groups is agreed for the 2023/24 municipal year – that a full time Political Group Officer be allocated to the Conservative Group and Labour Group respectively. |
(f) To approve the timetable of ordinary meetings of the Council for 2023/2024 as set out in the report.” |
It was moved by Councillor Mann, as an amendment,
Seconded by Councillor Anderson,
“That Committees
and other bodies be appointed as per
previous municipal years. that their sizes be adjusted as
necessary to facilitate proportionality, and seats thereon
allocated to political groups in accordance with the rules of
proportionality where applicable, all as per Appendix
A prior request having been made for the record of the voting –
There voted for the amendment to recommendation (a):
Councillors Akram, Anderson, Carter, Dar, Escott, Gahir, Gill, Hulme, Instone, Mann, Matloob, Mohammad, Nazir, Parmar, Qaseem, J.Sabah and W.Sabah…………………………………………………………………………... 17
There voted against the amendment to recommendation (a):
Councillors Abbasi, E.Ahmed, I.Ahmed, Bedi, Chahal, Dauti, Dhillon, Iftakhar, Kelly, Khawar, Manku, Mohindra, Muvvala, Naveed, O’Kelly, Rana, Satti, Shah, Shaik, Smith, Stedmond, Tomar, Wright and Zarait………………….. 24
The amendment to the recommendation was not carried.
It was moved by Councillor Mann, as an amendment,
Seconded by Councillor Hulme,
(c) “That the Chairs and Vice-Chairs to be appointed by their respective committees at their
first meetings. of the above bodies be appointed as set
out in Appendix 2.”
A prior request having been made for the record of the voting –
There voted for the amendment to recommendation (c):
Councillors Akram, Anderson, Carter, Dar, Escott, Gahir, Gill, Hulme, Instone, Mann, Matloob, Mohammad, Nazir, Parmar, Qaseem, J.Sabah and W.Sabah…………………………………………………………………………... 17
There voted against the amendment to recommendation (c):
Councillors Abbasi, E.Ahmed, I.Ahmed, Bedi, Chahal, Dauti, Dhillon, Iftakhar, Kelly, Khawar, Manku, Mohindra, Muvvala, Naveed, O’Kelly, Rana, Satti, Shah, Shaik, Smith, Stedmond, Tomar, Wright and Zarait………………….. 24
The amendment to the recommendation was not carried.
The original recommendations were put to the vote and a prior request having been made for the record of the voting –
There voted for the recommendations:
Councillors Abbasi, E.Ahmed, I.Ahmed, Bedi, Chahal, Dauti, Dhillon, Iftakhar, Kelly, Khawar, Manku, Mohindra, Muvvala, Naveed, O’Kelly, Rana, Satti, Shah, Shaik, Smith, Stedmond, Tomar, Wright and Zarait………………….. 24
There voted against the recommendations:
Councillors Akram, Anderson, Carter, Dar, Escott, Gahir, Gill, Hulme, Instone, Mann, Matloob, Mohammad, Nazir, Parmar, Qaseem, J.Sabah and W.Sabah…………………………………………………………………………... 17
Resolved -
(a) That Committees and other bodies be appointed, that their sizes be adjusted as necessary to facilitate proportionality, and seats thereon allocated to political groups in accordance with the rules of proportionality where applicable, as per Appendix 1.
(b) That appointments be made to Committees and other bodies in accordance with the nominations received from political groups as set out in Appendix 2.
(c) That the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the above bodies be appointed as set out in Appendix 2.
(d) That the report of the Leader on appointment of the Deputy Leader and Lead Members (the Cabinet) and their portfolios be received as set out in Appendix 2.
(e) That Political Group Officer support to Political Groups is agreed for the 2023/24 municipal year – that a full time Political Group Officer be allocated to the Conservative Group and Labour Group respectively. |
(f) To approve the timetable of ordinary meetings of the Council for 2023/2024 as set out in the report.
Supporting documents: