It was moved by Councillor Smith,
Seconded by Councillor I.Ahmed,
(i) “Note and welcome the return of Councillors elected to Slough Borough Council on 4th May 2023, as set out in paragraph 2.3 of the report.
(ii) Thank retiring members for their public service.”
It was moved by Councillor Hulme, as an amendment,
Seconded by Councillor Mann,
(i) “Note and welcome the return of Councillors elected to Slough Borough Council on 4th May 2023, as set out in paragraph 2.3 of the report.
(ii) Thank retiring members for their public service.”
(iii) Instruct the Returning Officer to formally write to the Electoral Commission to raise this Council’s concerns with voter ID and the impact it has had on our residents.
(iv) Instruct the Returning Officer to prepare a further detailed report on this matter, including a ward by ward breakdown, as well as analysis into residents who did not go to vote due to voter ID requirements by conducting interviews with candidates, community groups and other interested parties and report back to the next full council meeting.”
The amendments were put to the vote and a prior request having been made for the record of the voting –
There voted for the amendments to the recommendations as tabled:
Councillors Akram, Anderson, Carter, Dar, Escott, Gahir, Gill, Hulme, Instone, Mann, Matloob, Mohammad, Nazir, Parmar, Qaseem, J.Sabah and W.Sabah…………………………………………………………………………... 17
There voted against the amendments to the recommendations:
Councillors Abbasi, E.Ahmed, I.Ahmed, Bedi, Chahal, Dauti, Dhillon, Iftakhar, Kelly, Khawar, Manku, Mohindra, Muvvala, Naveed, O’Kelly, Rana, Satti, Shah, Shaik, Smith, Stedmond, Tomar, Wright and Zarait………………….. 24
The amendments to the recommendations were not carried.
The original recommendations were put to the vote and a prior request having been made for the record of the voting –
There voted for the recommendations:
Councillors Abbasi, E.Ahmed, I.Ahmed, Bedi, Chahal, Dauti, Dhillon, Iftakhar, Kelly, Khawar, Manku, Mohindra, Muvvala, Naveed, O’Kelly, Rana, Satti, Shah, Shaik, Smith, Stedmond, Tomar, Wright and Zarait………………….. 24
There abstained from voting on the recommendations:
Councillors Akram, Anderson, Carter, Dar, Escott, Gahir, Gill, Hulme, Instone, Mann, Matloob, Mohammad, Nazir, Parmar, Qaseem, J.Sabah and W.Sabah…………………………………………………………………………... 17
Resolved –
(i) Note and welcome the return of Councillors elected to Slough Borough Council on 4th May 2023, as set out in paragraph 2.3 of the report.
(ii) Thank retiring members for their public service.
Supporting documents: