The Mayor called for nominations for the office of Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Slough for the ensuing municipal year.
Councillor Manku proposed and Councillor Chahal seconded the nomination of Councillor Dhillon.
A prior request having been made for the record of the voting –
There voted for the nomination:
Councillors Abbasi, E.Ahmed, I.Ahmed, Bedi, Chahal, Dauti, Dhillon, Iftakhar, Kelly, Khawar, Manku, Mohindra, Muvvala, Naveed, O’Kelly, Rana, Satti, Shah, Shaik, Smith, Stedmond, Tomar, Wright and Zarait………………….. 24
There voted against the nomination:
Councillors Akram, Anderson, Carter, Escott, Gahir, Gill, Hulme, Instone, Mann, Matloob, Mohammad, Nazir, Parmar, Qaseem, J.Sabah and W.Sabah…………………………………………………………………………... 16
There abstained from voting:
Councillor Dar …………………………………………………………………….. 1
The Chief Executive declared Councillor Dhillon elected Deputy Mayor of the Borough of Slough for the 2023/24 municipal year. Councillor Dhillon made and signed the requisite declaration of acceptance of office.
Resolved – That Councillor Dhillon be elected as Deputy Mayor for the Municipal Year 2023/24.