Agenda item

Grievance Policy and Procedure Report


The Project Manager for Transformation outlined the main points of the report, which provided a revised grievance policy for Committee approval. The Project Manager explained that the revised policy sought to reduce formal grievances to a minimum by enabling managers and  employees to resolve issues in the workplace before invoking a formal grievance. The revised policy also took into account lessons learned from previous cases.


Questions from Members included on data available on grievance complaints, whether the timescale given of 6 weeks as the normal duration for a grievance investigation was achieved, and on whistleblowing. It was explained that while there were no figures available currently on grievance complaints, overall the number was very low. On the 6 weeks timescale this was not currently being achieved and officers were working to improve on this. It was also explained that whistleblowing was a separate policy but that numbers on this were also currently low.


There was some concern that at the informal stage a complainant may not have anyone to support them in their complaint but officers clarified that complainants could have support at every stage of the grievance procedure. There was also a question of how long records would be kept for in grievance cases and the Project Manager explained that while she did not have the answer to this she could check the policy on record-keeping and let Members know this.


Finally Members agreed with the statement in the report that it would be essential that once approved there would be appropriate communication and training for all staff, as it was vitally important that all staff were made aware of the revised policy.


Resolved – That the Committee approved the revised Grievance Policy and Procedure.

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