Application |
Decision |
Demolition of existing commercial (Class E use) building and erection of a new 4-8 storey development accommodating 91 Class C3 self-contained apartments with associated podium level amenity space, balconies and roof terraces, new vehicular access to ground level undercroft car park, plant rooms, bin and bicycle stores and Servicing/Loading Bay.
Delegated to the Planning Manager for:
A. Approval subject to:
i) The satisfactory completion of a Section 106 Agreement to secure affordable housing with review mechanisms, financial contributions towards education improvements, sustainable transport and air quality improvements, Burnham Beeches SAC mitigation, Travel Plans, and provision of all necessary off-site s278 highways works to mitigate the impact of the development on the local highways network. ii) Further to discussions already held with Natural England and as set out in this report, formal adoption by the Council (being the competent authority) of an appropriate assessment pursuant to the Habitats Regulations in order to conclude upon the likely impact of the development on the Burnham Beeches SAC and the final form of any mitigation that is necessary to address that impact either i) by the Planning Manager acting in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee; or ii) if considered necessary by the Planning Manager acting in consultation with the Chair of the Planning Committee, by being referred to a future meeting of the Planning Committee. iii) Finalising conditions [and any other minor changes, including adding a condition for a car park management plan, and amendment to wording of condition 11 to require details of a management plan to ensure the building facades are adequately maintained to a good condition].
B. Refuse the application if the Section 106 Agreement was not completed by 31st March 2023 unless a longer period was agreed by the Planning Manager, or Chair of the Planning Committee.
Supporting documents: