· Recommendations from the scrutiny task and finish groups on contract management, SCF and the complaints process.
(a) That the Task & Finish Group reports from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee, People Scrutiny Panel and Customer & Community Scrutiny Panel be approved.
(b) That the members of the Task & Finish Groups be thanked and commended for their reports.
The Cabinet considered the recommendations of three scrutiny task and finish group reports on:
· Contract management (Overview & Scrutiny)
· Slough Children First Business Plan (People)
· Complaints Process (Customer & Community)
Lead Members welcomed the excellent work that scrutiny had done and this was a view shared by Commissioners as an improved model for future scrutiny. The Cabinet agreed to accept the recommendations and asked that progress on implementation be monitored and reported back.
The Cabinet asked that scrutiny members on the task and finish groups be commended for their reports.
Resolved –
(a) That the Task & Finish Group reports from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Contract Management), People Scrutiny Panel (SCF business plan) and Customer & Community Scrutiny Panel (Complaints Process) be approved.
(b) That the members of the Task & Finish Groups be thanked and commended for their reports.
Supporting documents: