Agenda item

Housing Regulation Enforcement, Licensing and Civil Financial Penalties Policies


1. Approved the Housing Regulation Enforcement Policy, Licensing Decisions Policy and Revised Policy and Protocol for Issuing Civil Financial Penalties under the Housing and Planning Act 2016 (Appendix A, B and C).


2. Delegated authority to make minor amendments to the policies, to the Executive Director for Place and Communities, following consultation with the Lead Member for Housing.


3. Request the Customer & Community Scrutiny Panel to consider a piece of work to look into the community and streetscene issues arising from the presence of a significant number of HMOs.


4. Request Officers to review website for clarity on reporting housing regulation and licensing issues.


The Executive Director, Place & Communities introduced a report that sought approval of three policy documents relating to the regulation of private sector housing in Slough:


·  Housing Regulation Enforcement Policy;

·  Revised Protocol for Civil Financial Penalties;

·  Licensing Decisions Policy.


The Council’s existing overarching enforcement policy set out the general principles for enforcement and regulation, and the new policies aimed to ensure enforcement decisions were transparent, took account of legislative changes and learned lessons from practice in Slough.  The key aspects of the proposed policies were summarised.


The Cabinet welcomed the new policies and discussed the Council’s approach to enforcement and licensing.  Lead Members considered the impacts on communities in areas where there were high concentrations of HMOs and the mechanism for residents to report issues.  The Housing Regulation Manager explained that the Council could not restrict the number of HMOs through the licensing process and the priority for the policy approach was to support a safe and well managed private rented sector.  There was a discussion about anti-social behaviour and nuisance issues in areas with HMOs.  After discussion, the Cabinet agreed to request the Customer & Community Scrutiny Panel to include in its work programme a piece of work to explore the wider issues such as anti-social behaviour, fly-tipping and streetscene impacts in areas with high concentrations of HMOs, and the joint-up working between Council departments such as housing regulation and planning.


It was also noted that the information relating to housing and property licensing were on different parts of the Council website and officers were asked to review the information, links and other communications to improve the clarity of information to residents for reporting information and to the public register of licensed properties.


At the conclusion of the discussion the recommendations were approved.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Housing Regulation Enforcement Policy, Licensing Decisions Policy and Revised Policy and Protocol for Issuing Civil Financial Penalties under the Housing and Planning Act 2016 (Appendix A, B and C) be approved.


(b)  That delegated authority be given to make minor amendments to the policies, to the Executive Director for Place and Communities, following consultation with the Lead Member for Housing.


(c)  That Cabinet request the Customer & Community Scrutiny Panel to consider a piece of work to look into the wider community and streetscene issues in places where there was a significant number of HMOs.


(d)  That Officers review the Council website to seek to improve the clarity of information for reporting housing regulation and licensing issues.

Supporting documents: