Agenda item

SACRE Finance Update


The GMSE provided a Finance update and advised that the under spend of £3,000 from 2021 could not be carried over into 2022-23 financial year. The SACRE was urged to consider future expenditure and for funding to be allocated at an early stage to avoid the issue of unspent funding arising.

It was suggested that consideration could be given to including the SACRE allocated funding as part of the Hub Contribution (via the Oxford Diocese) from which SACRE could draw down expenditure. The GMSE would make enquires and feedback to the SACRE once a response had been received.

During discussion, it was highlighted that collect worship was of a Christian nature and this had not changed, but was now of a broadly Christian worship.


In respect to costings it was agreed that the following should be included in the costings:

  • One day for survey analysis
  • Set up a half-day session for a questions and answer for senior leadership teams from schools
  • Set up a further half-day for the SACRE Professional Adviser to give advice
  • Invite schools to bid for funding for resources to support RE teaching.


It was highlighted that additional network meetings had taken place during the pandemic and the SACRE agreed that the increased network meetings should continue. A teacher commented that she had found the network meetings very useful.

After reviewing the costings, the GMSE advised that £2.5k was remaining and consideration should be given as to how the money should be spent. The Chair added that schools should be invited via the autumn term newsletter to bid for help with funding for needed resources to support RE teaching.


i)  That the update be noted

ii)  That the additional costing listed above be agreed.