Agenda item

SACRE Membership News (An update from members regarding activities undertaken since the last SACRE meeting)


The Chair reported that he had met with Waqar Bhatti and Momade Faizal on the previous day to discuss services that could be offered to their schools. Through the Chair, Mr Faizal explained that he had visited many schools to provide support in relation to Islam and noted that schools had limited materials. This often meant that teachers purchased resources from their personal budgets, and may sometimes not be certain that the information being referred to was correct.

From the meeting, it was proposed that PowerPoints would be made for teachers to ensure that the information being provide was in accordance with the Agreed Syllabus as well as providing ideas to help teachers, free of charge. It was expected that SACRE members and teachers would be involved in the process.

During discussion, it was noted that the information should be included in the Crossing the Bridges Directory,  as well as  the SACRE newsletters.

The Vice-Chair reported that the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee party which took place in June 2022 had been a great success as a wider community event. Councillor (Cllr) Akbar reported that she had also attended the event, which brought the community together. She suggested that a similar event should be arranged around Ramadan.

Members were encouraged to submit details regarding any event that they wished to promote, to be sent to the Adviser.

Cllr Brooker reported that he had been re-elected as Church Warden at his Church.

The Chair reported that he was undertaking the Department for Education (DfE) funded SKE programmes (at the University of London),  which included RE for teachers who wished to increase their subject knowledge.

It reported that the Jo Curd (GMSE) was attending her last meeting as she would be moving on to pastures new.

Lynda Bussley announced that this too may be her last meeting, as she was planning to move to Summerset but this was yet to be finalised.

Resolved – That the updates be noted.