Agenda item

Draft SACRE Action Plan 2022-23


The Adviser provided an update of the Action Plan for 2022 and highlighted  the following:

  • The SACRE 2020-21 Annual report had previously been provided in draft.
  • He had attended the NASCRE AGM in May 2022.
  • As well as other actions undertaken, considerable work had been undertaken to support the SACRE Hub.
  • It had not been possible to hold a Hub conference for teachers in 2022, but anticipated that a conference would be held in 2023, as having a conference would be very helpful for teachers.


In response to a question about the possibility of visiting schools in relation to collective worship, it was noted that there was still an on-going debate about this issue, but meanwhile, a Collective Worship Guidance document had been co-produced with another borough, which provided advice and guidance in relation to visitors to schools. The Adviser would seek permission to circulate the document to SACRE members to review. Response relating to the guidance would be expected from senior leadership, and not RE teachers or co-coordinators.

The SACRE discussed that a simple survey could be conducted to get feedback from senior leaders in schools in Slough and their details could be found on the schools’ websites. In addition, consideration could be given to promoting the survey as part of schools’ enrichment days.


i)  That the update be note.

ii)  That the Professional Adviser conduct a survey on collective worship.



Supporting documents: