(a) That the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan be adopted.
(b) That the adopted strategy be integrated into other Council policies and plans.
(c) That the Cabinet receive an update report in six months that set out the progress in implementing the strategy and action plan, including work with partners.
The Principal Environment Officer introduced a report and gave a comprehensive presentation on the Council’s Climate Change Strategy & Action Plan, which the Cabinet was recommended to adopt.
The strategy had been developed following the agreement of a Council motion on climate change in July 2019 and the adoption by Cabinet of the Climate Change Strategy Vision which had outlined a target of borough wide carbon neutrality by 2040, with a stretch target of 2030. The Strategy & Action Plan set out the challenges of how these ambitious targets for the borough could be met. Lead Members noted the extensive work that had gone in to prepare the strategy including the public consultation earlier in the year.
The Cabinet had also previously adopted a Carbon Management Plan for the Council, which set an aim for SBC to be carbon neutral by 2030. The new strategy had a broader focus on seeking to achieve carbon neutrality across the town, not just for the Council. It was noted that the Council itself accounted for a small proportion of overall emissions and that 58% of emissions in Slough were from a mixture of residential, commercial and industrial buildings, and 31% from transport of which the vast majority was road transport. The Action Plan set out the wide range of measures to reduce emissions including improving energy efficiency and greater use of renewables, reducing waste, increasing tree coverage and switching to electric vehicles.
The comments of the Commissioners as set out in report were noted as were the financial implications that highlighted that in light of the current financial situation, the Council could not commit to any new expenditure or capital projects. The key role for the Council would be leading and influencing change in the borough. The Cabinet recognised that its proximity to the M4 and Heathrow as well as the significant industrial base on Slough Trading Estate meant that engagement with partners such the Department for Transport and SEGRO would be crucial. The Officer explained how these partners had been engaged in the development of the strategy through various workshops that had been held.
Members agreed the importance of strong monitoring and reporting arrangements to assess whether the strategy was on track to be delivered over the coming years. It was highlighted that the Council would also need to lead by example an ensure climate change was a consideration in decision-making across the Council when developing policies on housing, transport etc. The Officer commented how the Carbon Management Plan influenced decisions within the Council, for example that carbon was already a factor in the Council’s procurement process.
The Cabinet agreed that it was crucial that the Climate Change Strategy & Action Plan was aligned to all new strategies and policies across the Council, including the emerging Local Plan. The Leader proposed and it was agreed that a further resolution be added to the recommendations to explicitly state that the strategy by integrated into other Council policies and plans. It was also agreed that a progress update be provided to Cabinet in six months on the steps taken to implement the plan, including engaging with public and private sector partners, and to monitor progress. The Climate Change Strategy & Action Plan was then adopted.
Resolved –
(a) That the Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan be adopted.
(b) That the adopted strategy be integrated into other Council policies and plans where appropriate.
(c) That the Cabinet receive an update report in six months that set out the progress in implementing the strategy and action plan, including work with and the role of partners.
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