Agenda item

SACRE Finance Update


The group manager for school effectiveness provided an update on SACRE Finance. With the Chair’s permission, a breakdown of the finance was shared on screen during the meeting.


Members noted that from a total amount of £10,000 funding, £2,786.37 had been spent to date, with £7,213.63 remaining. It was confirmed that the costing for the Action Plan were linked to the figures that had been presented.


With the substantial amount of funding remaining, it was noted that the RE Network meetings could be increased from four meetings per year to six. Further expenditure would be expected to meet the cost of the extra time the Adviser would need to draft the SACRE Annual Report using the new template recommended by NASACRE.


It was noted that the remaining budget would need to be spent by the End of March 2021, as there was no guarantee of transferring unspent money into the new financial year, particularly in light of the current financial position the Council was in. The uncommitted budget remaining was confirmed as £3,800, including £1,800 earmarked for resources, which SACRE could consider paying into the Oxford Diocese for future use.


The adviser shared on screen, the NASACRE recommended Annual Report framework to show the types of information that were now required to be included the report. Members acknowledged that addition time would be required to draft the first annual report in this new format and it was proposed, seconded and agreed to grant a day’s adviser’s preparation time.




i)  That the SACRE Finance Update be noted

ii)  That the professional adviser be paid £450 (one day) for drafting the SACRE Annual Report in the new NASACRE recommended format.