Agenda item

Pan-Berkshire SACRE Hub Minutes of Meeting held on 6 September 2021


Members received the minutes of the Pan-Berkshire SACRE Hub held on 6 September 2021. It was highlighted that the Agreed Syllabus review process, led by the Pan-Berkshire SACRE Hub had started. The first stage of the review would begin with teacher consultation.


During discussion, the professional adviser (adviser) clarified that maintain stream schools were required to follow the locally agreed syllabus when teaching RE, but academies, free schools and voluntary aided schools could choose to follow either the locally agreed, or a different syllabus.


In response to a query raised as to whether faith schools were required to follow an agreed syllabus, the adviser would check and provide a response at the next meeting.


(Councillor Brooker lost internet connection)


The process for reviewing the Agreed Syllabus was noted to be time consuming and extensive, and it was acknowledged that Covid-19 would inevitably impact on the timeline of the review.


With regard to concerns as to how the locally Agreed Syllabus could be further improved to encourage all schools in Slough, the adviser explained that the purpose of the Agreed Syllabus was to ensure that the statutory requirements for teaching RE were covered. Although the current Agreed Syllabus provided schools with more choice, additional support would be required in the revision to enable delivery.


It was noted that the review would be steered by Anne Andrews, RE Adviser, Oxford Diocesan Board of Education.


Resolved – That the Pan-Berkshire SACRE Hub Minutes of Meeting held on 6    September 2021 be noted.


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