Agenda item

SACRE Membership News (An update from all members regarding activities undertaken since the last SACRE meeting)


Councillor Brooker announced that he was in the governing body of three schools. One of the school was in Buckinghamshire (Farnham Royal C of E Primary) where many children from Slough attended. He was also the chair of the finance committee at the school.


The Chair announced that Julie Siddiqi had recently stood down from the Slough SACRE after many years as a member. It was agreed for the Chair to write a formal letter of thanks to Julie on behalf of the SACRE.


Ashpreet Singh Nainu (Chair) reported that he had recently been appointed as a teacher at an outstanding school with the RE quality mark: Gold Award in Wokingham.


The Group Manager, School Effectiveness reported that Khalsa Primary School was covering a whole school teaching on the topic, exhibition of the world. Further details would be sent to the adviser to be included in the next SACRE RE newsletter.


Resolved That the update be noted.