Agenda item

Review of the Terms of Reference and Membership of SACRE and making recommendations to Council


The SACRE considered a report on the review of the terms of reference and membership. The proposal to consider widening Committee 1 (Christian Denominations and Other Faiths) category to include ‘beliefs’ had been recommended to establish a way of appointing the Humanist representative to full voting membership. It was noted that any revisions to the TOR would need to be endorsed by the Member Panel on the Constitution and ratified by Council.


During discussion, some members expressed the view that Humanism was not a faith, and as such, could not be included in Committee 1 category. Others suggested that more information and further discussion was needed and critically, to be mindful of the requirement to reflect the religious population in the local area in the membership.


The Professional Adviser (Adviser) reported that a number of SACREs had included Humanism in category 1, to give voice to representative members. Members were informed that Religious Education (RE) was not simply about the study of a religion, but rather about encouraging young people to value themselves and the communities they lived in. In addition, RE teaching in secondary schools currently incorporated other views, as reflected in the Pan-Berkshire Agreed Syllabus for RE 2018-2023. It also specified the study of a non-religious worldwide view in Key Stage 3 (noted as possibly Humanism).


Members broke up into their respective groups to discuss the proposal further and to decide whether to vote in favour or against the proposal, as each group was entitled to just a single vote. There was no voting right for Co-opted members.


Members returned and the following was noted that Committee 1 (Christian Denomination and Other Faiths) was undecided, Committee 2 (Church of England) was in favour and Committee 4 (Representatives of the LEA) was not in favour.


There was no Committee 3 member (Representatives of Teacher Association) present at the meeting.


The Clerk advised that there needed to be at least one member present from each of the four groups in order for the meeting to be quorate. As there was no representative member in Committee 3 present, the meeting was deemed to be inquorate. No formal decision could therefore be made. 


The proposal would be reconsidered at a future meeting.


(At point 6 (the top of page 3 of the report) the rest of the sentence after ‘Humanism’ was disregarded as it was not applicable).



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