Agenda item

Maintained Nursery School funding


Further to discussions at the previous meeting, the Chair had written to the Secretary of State on behalf of Schools Forum regarding the MNS supplementary funding. On this occasion a response had been received by Vicky Ford, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, outlining the Government’s commitment to Nursery funding. The issue was to be kept under annual review, which had now been extended until the end of April 2022.

Michael Jarrett confirmed this was a national financial challenge, with a number of nurseries having had to close but there were still five nurseries open in Slough. The LA was to review Early Years provision across Slough in the 10 local children’s centres.

In the past, schools could request financial support from their LA if they were in a deficit position. However, this was no longer an option and the LA was not in a position to accept such requests. Work was ongoing to manage any deficit budgets but this was likely to lead to changes, some of which would involve difficult decisions. LA representatives had met with Headteachers and there would be meetings with those nurseries in a deficit position, endeavouring to bring their budgets to a break even position this year. Some free consultancy had been obtained to support the three involved in order to better understand the pressures, working alongside finance colleagues.

There was to be a whole borough review because of expansion, there would be changes to the MNS and at this stage it was unknown what those would look like.

It was confirmed this had been made clear to the sector, who also recognised there was a wider strategy and EY provision review. However, as a report had to be made to governing bodies it would be useful to be informed of the MNS consultation progress and provisional plans for the way forward. It was explained funding was based on participation rates and there were a number of complexities, with the private sector also to be considered, and worked with, to encompass all sectors.  The review was moving quickly to allow meetings with governing boards and because the LA could not support deficit budgets. Reports would be made to Schools Forum and Cabinet.

10.10am: Philip Gregory left the meeting

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