Agenda item

Update on Nationa/Local Funding issues


Susan Woodland explained there was little to update at this time although the following were highlighted:


DfE View My financial Insights: access (originally for academy schools) was now also available to maintained schools: here.  The information was similar to benchmarking and included RAG-rating. Supporting webinars had been made available.


Pupil Premium: funding was now to be calculated using October census figures rather than January. Schools would have to show how funds had been spent by using the DfE’s template which should be posted on websites by 31 December 2021. The DfE would be checking school websites with effect from September 2021.


Maintained Nursery Schools (MNS): the supplement had now been confirmed and there were to be no changes to funding allocations.


The Chair thanked Susan Woodland for her valuable contributions and her support in presenting clear financial information to Schools Forum. On behalf of Schools Forum, Susan Woodland was wished all the best for the future.


In answer to a question, Susan Woodland confirmed the LA did not receive information from the ESFA about the assumptions schools should make in submitting their 5-year forecasts, particularly with regards to GAG funding. It was suggested caution should be exercised, that expenditure could be expected to increase, and that income would remain static.


It was confirmed there had not been any updates to date from the ESFA on how the changes in Pupil Premium funding would affect Alternative Provision (AP) whose pupil numbers were lower at the October census but increased as the academic year progressed (update: the census day for AP’s Pupil Premium grant will remain as January as they do not complete an October census).