The Associate Director, Customer, provided the Committee with details of revisions to the Pay Policy Statement (PPS) for the financial year 2021/22. The Localism Act 2011 required Local Authorities to prepare a PPS which covered a number of matters concerning the pay of the authority’s staff, principally Chief Officers. It was noted that the PPS would need full Council approval following which it would be published to the Council’s website.
Following the recent announcement of a public sector pay freeze, a Member asked for information regarding the impact of this on staff. It was explained that details of the public pay increase/freeze had not yet been finalised and although it was anticipated that there was likely to be an impact on staff it was too early to assess at this stage and that an update could be provided at the next Committee meeting.
Details of the number of staff who were acting up or in secondments at Head of Service level or above were requested. The Associate Director, Customer outlined that Phase 2 of the Our Future transformation programme was underway and that information regarding this specific issue would be included in a future report. Clarification was provided on the pay levels provided to staff dependent on whether the role they were assuming was in an acting up or secondment capacity.
The Committee agreed that the PPS be recommended to Council for approval.
Recommended to Council - That the Pay Policy Statement 2021/22 be approved for publication.
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